Introduction to Lovibond® Tintometer® Color Measurement

We are distributors for Lovibond® Tintometer®.

Today companies throughout the world use Lovibond® colorimeters in the analysis of products such as fuel oils, lubricants, white oils, waxes and petrochemicals. Over the years the Lovibond® brand has become the hallmark for color measurement in refining industries, recognized by major international standardizing bodies, including the ASTM, ISO and IP, who quote their equipment in their specifications for color measurement. Tintometer’s unparalleled knowledge is embodied into the Lovibond® range of instruments, from the visual comparators for single-scale color grading through to flexible, full-scale spectrophotometric instruments for objective measurement and data analysis. And it is this unique experience that ensures excellent correlation with visual grading instruments.

Color measurement instruments need regular checking with calibration standards to ensure correct operation and compliance to established international standards. RCMSi is the process in which a number of tightly controlled calibration liquids are measured in a 50 mm cell* via the Calibration function of a PFXi. The data is communicated via the internet to a secure server and compared to Master Data. If the data passes within tolerance, then a Certificate of Calibration is e-mailed to the user. This allows The Tintometer Ltd to ensure a PFXi instrument is operating correctly and fully calibrated using ISO 17025 certified standards. So, users can be 100% confident that all PFXi readings are reliable. In addition, RCMSi eliminates the timely and costly need to return equipment to a service center unnecessarily.

Untitled-91Remote Calibration & Maintenance Service via internet (RCMSi)
Note: Please register before performing your first calibration. Certificates of Calibration are provided post process.
*(Please note 50mm cell must be used when performing RCMSi calibration.)

For a guide for selecting your color application  Click Here